Obsidian-Tipped Spear
A wooden spear with an obsidian speartip.
Damage is 16-20 to 49-55 (average 32-37). (estimating standard hafted weapon ranges) Modifies damage roll by 14 continuous. Modifies hit roll by 12 continuous.
Keyword(s): spear
Type: weapon
Slot(s): <wielded> & <offhanded>, simultaneously
Flag(s): sharp
Weight: 15 lbs
Level(s): 50-52
Quality: 100hp
You can bash while wielding this because it's hafted. Since this weapon does piercing damage it is sharpenable. The heavy spear, 'Ocean' in contrast is 15dr/10hr weight 24.
This item may also be found with the name "an obsidian-tipped spear".