Illithids, also known as mind flayers, are a mysterious and psionically gifted race. Born with extraordinary mental abilities, Illithids are formidable in the arts of mental manipulation and control.
Illithids can disrupt the higher mental functions of a target, rendering them almost incapable of casting magical spells. This ability is available to Illithid players and is cast with racial scramble.
Illithids possess a natural mental aptitude which makes them more resilient to certain manipulations. Illthids have a natural affinity to mental spells and are weak with kinetic spells. This mental aptitude allows them to absorb the life essence of their fallen foes.
Illithids can unleash a searing mind flay upon their target, applying various mental debuffs.
- Abbreviation: ILL
- Racial Size: medium.
- Racial TNL: 3225 XP.
- Well-Suited to Be: mindbenders.
- Ill-Suited to Be:.
Diplomatic Corps
Illithid may not participate in the Diplomatic Corps.
Illithids is the first double remort race. You need to be a Lord 125 Gith in order to remort (before which, you'll have to complete a quest in Mindscape).
Illithids receive significant spell cost reductions with a 10% / 20% / 35% spell cost reduction on arcane / divine / psionic spells.
With tentacles coming from every area of their face, no known helmets fit Illithids.
Wikipedia offers the description: "Illithids have a humanoid body with an octopus-like head, which were pointed out for their similarity to H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu."
Illithids are very "splatty" for several reasons: they have low hp, they are missing one eq slot (head), and they have melee vulnerabilities due to their resistances. Using racial mindflay will also apply a temporary debuf (increasing on each use of the racial) which will increase damage taken by the illithid.