Rumor has it the Dark Fae have devised a mechanism to trap those who visit them uninvited. Details from survivors are sketchy, but escape back to their homes does seem to be possible for those who can endure the assaults of the Watchmen. Whether or not there is a way to elude the Shiftwatch Orb and set foot in Noctopia itself is unknown.
Builder: Dev
Planeshift to Noctopia
s, d, w, [d] from shift will take you to a Lloydable room in Under The Stars.
Other than the way out, we haven't found much of interest in this area yet.
To survive shift, you need 5-6 mains (sometimes it gets swarmy..5-6 mobs with snipers that deal 1k surrounding shift) Shift mobs are between level 170 and 185(Soulstealer and Sentinel respectively). Most mobs have a wield and or offhand in Shiftwatch and hit for about annihilate/eradicate (except for the snipers which hit mangle). To survive shift, have the tanks plane at same time, and make the casters plane ~10 seconds afterwards.
If you have a bld or two with veil of blades, the shift is much easier.
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