Sharp Folder With A Bunch Of Arcane Scrolls

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Random arcane scrolls lie scattered across the floor next to their folder.

Object 'sharp folder bunch arcane scrolls' type weapon, extra flags magic.
Weight 5, value 6249, level 125.
Object Quality (147 / 147 hps)
Damage is 37 to 93 (average 65).
Edge condition is brittle from sharpening.
   5 / 100 chance of reduced lag of arcane spells continuous
  25 / 100 chance of +10 caster level of arcane spells continuous

Keyword(s): sharp, folder, bunch, arcane, scrolls
Level(s): 124-126.
Type: Weapon.
Slot(s): Wield.
Quality: 200 hps.
Weight: 5 lbs.
Flag(s): magic.


Reboot Only


Area: The Conundrum (Map).
Mob: other residents (skin-item).

See Gear in The Conundrum for more information.