Cmud Lockbox Sub

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This script will make it easy to identify vials without having to cast identify.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <trigger priority="3750" copy="yes">
    <pattern>(%*){a|an} %2 vial of healing</pattern>
    <value>#if (%lower( %2)="reddish-brown") {#var vialhealtype "cure crit"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="light brown") {#var vialhealtype "cure light"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="red-brown") {#var vialhealtype "divinity"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="orange-brown") {#var vialhealtype "cure serious"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="orange-red") {#var vialhealtype "cure crit+light"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="red striped") {#var vialhealtype "heal"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="yellow-brown") {#var vialhealtype "heal+cure light"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="yellow") {#var vialhealtype "heal+cure serious"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="yellow-orange") {#var vialhealtype "heal+cure crit"} {}
#if (%lower( %2)="orange") {#var vialhealtype "heal+cure light+cure crit"} {}
#psub {%2~(@vialhealtype~)} %x2
#ad vialcount 1
#var vcount %1
#var vcount %remove((Magical),@vcount)
#var vcount %remove((Humming),@vcount)
#var vcount %remove((Glowing),@vcount)
#var vcount %remove((Demonic),@vcount)
#var vcount %replace(@vcount,"(","")
#var vcount %replace(@vcount,")","")
#var vcount %trim(@vcount)
#if @vcount>0 {#ad vialcount %eval(@vcount-1)} {}</value>

Here is a variation on the above theme. It uses if/else statements and removes most of the variable work from above for optimized speed, as well as coloring the vials.

<trigger priority="6800" id="52">
  <pattern>{a|an} (%*) vial of (healing)$</pattern>
  <value>#IF (%1="light brown") {#psub {"cure light"} %x2;#pcol tan %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="orange-brown") {#psub {"cure serious"} %x2;#pcol goldenrod %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="reddish-brown") {#psub {"cure critical"} %x2;#pcol chocolate %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="orange-red") {#psub {"cure critical, cure light"} %x2;#pcol orangered %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="red striped") {#psub {"heal"} %x2;#pcol mxpred %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="yellow-brown") {#psub {"heal, cure light"} %x2;#pcol darkgoldenrod %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="yellow") {#psub {"heal, cure serious"} %x2;#pcol mxpyellow %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="yellow-orange") {#psub {"heal, cure critical"} %x2;#pcol gold %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="orange") {#psub {"heal, cure light, cure critical"} %x2;#pcol mxporange %x1 %x2} {
#IF (%1="red-brown") {#psub {"divinity"} %x2;#pcol sienna %x1 %x2}