Staff Of Cooling Lava
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Constantly cooling, but kept molten by some internal energy, this staff has a slender, twirling handle with a bulbous head of glowing molden lava. Scales of rust and ash jump from its surface at the slightest breeze, only to ignite in sparks and flames by the staff's very heat.
Type. weapon Value. 1560 modifies strength by -2 continuous. modifies constitution by -2 continuous. modifies hit roll by 11 continuous. modifies damage roll by 11 continuous.
Keyword(s): cooling, lava, staff, molten, blob.
Level(s): 50-??.
Weapon: Weapon.
Slot(s): wielded.
Quality: 100/100 hps.
Weight: 21 lbs.
Flag(s): glow, magic, anti-good.
You wield a staff of cooling lava in both hands. Your fingers sink into the searing staff, but it holds its form.
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