Zmud Lord Stab Triggers
This is a script for stabbing at lord.
Usage: Using the right click menu add what mobs you are stabbing and which number(s).
Then click on the button or press F12 to activate the Auto stab trigger. When the Auto stab trigger is on you will try to stab whatever mobs you have added to the target list, for whatever number you have added, whenever you follow someone into a room. Also an option for custom targets is included in the menu for new runs or runs that are not in the menu system.
F10 will stab manually, useful when your full and group is resting in a non safe area to catch aggies.
Copy this section and paste it into a *.txt file. Then, in zMUD, go to "Settings -> File -> Import Text" and select the file you saved to:
#CLASS {Stabbing} #ALIAS stab {#for @StabTargList {assas %1%i}} #ALIAS stabbing {#if (@StabNumbList==%null) {stab} {#if (%numitems( @StabNumbList)==1) {stab @StabNumbList.} {#for @StabNumbList {stab %i.}}}} #VAR StabTargList {} #VAR StabNumbList {} #KEY F12 {#bu stabtrigbut} #KEY F10 {stabbing} #BUTTON 4 {stab-off} {#t+ stabtrig} {Stab-on} {#t- stabtrig} {} {1} {} {Size} {70} {20} {} {} {} {31} {30} {} {} "" {} {} {stabtrigbut} #MENU {Stab Targets} {} "" {StabTargMenu} #MENU {Stab Number} {} "" {StabNumberMenu} #CLASS 0 #CLASS {Stabbing|StabTargMenu} {menu} #VAR CustomTarg {} #MENU {Clear Targets} {#var StabTargList %null} "" #MENU {Custom targets} { #PR CustomTarg "Enter targets separated with |" #if (%begins( @customtarg, "|")) {#var CustomTarg %delete( @customtarg, 1, 1)} #if (%ends( @customtarg, "|")) {#var CustomTarg %delete( @customtarg, %len( @customtarg), 1)} #if ((@StabTargList!=%null)AND(@CustomTarg!=%null)) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, @CustomTarg) } "" #MENU {gi} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "gish|gith|female") } "" #MENU {water} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "water|wyrm") } "" #MENU {Chim} {#var StabTargList %additem( chim, @StabTargList)} "" #MENU {bale} {#var StabTargList %additem( bale, @StabTargList)} "" #MENU {fae} {#var StabTargList %additem( fae, @StabTargList)} "" #MENU {stat} {#var StabTargList %additem( stat, @StabTargList)} "" #MENU {dem} {#var StabTargList %additem( dem, @StabTargList)} "" #MENU {jungle} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "pan|ana|sus|yor|kzi") } "" #MENU {volcano} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "pyro|darken|mephit|salam|lava|fire") } "" #MENU {karn proper} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "akuma|man|cutthroat|crazed|humanoid|scourge|merm|reaper") } "" #MENU {memlane astral} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "gith|soul|memory|pain|death|tiam|fae|shadow|queen|giant") } "" #MENU {rohp} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "delus|phant|pred|obli|denog|dog") } "" #MENU {earth} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "elem|wyrm|merc|slave|serv") } "" #MENU {fire} { #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "elem|fire|knight|ember|troll|lava|mephit|sala") } "" #MENU {cinderheim} { #var StabTargList %additem( sent, @StabTargList) #if (@StabTargList!=%null) {#var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "|")} #var StabTargList %concat( @StabTargList, "imp|flame|sala|smoke|tar|fire|lava|dweller|wind|spirit|giant|body") } "" #CLASS 0 #CLASS {Stabbing|StabNumberMenu} {menu} #MENU {3.} {#var StabNumbList %additem( 3 , @StabNumbList)} "" #MENU {2.} {#var StabNumbList %additem( 2 , @StabNumbList)} "" #MENU {1.} {#var StabNumbList %additem( 1 , @StabNumbList)} "" #MENU {Clear Numbers} {#var StabNumbList %null} "" #CLASS 0 #CLASS {Stabbing|stabtrig} #TRIGGER {You follow} { stabbing } #CLASS 0
Designer comments
The menu system for mob targets is a bit jumbled and could be tidied up for all the specific runs (Gear or XP) also I don't have the targets for all the specific runs so they would need adding. Its VERY SPAMMY to the user so the use of #gag might be helpful.
Considering if there is a way to do this some other way using stored variables that you could create and delete using the menu system. EG a string list of run names displayed that references another stinglist think of an array its workign out how to do it atm.