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DC 10:

Kauksis hisses, 'You are jussst who I wasss looking for.' Kauksis hisses, 'I had a preciousss rug made out of human ssskin.' Kauksis hisses, 'It hasss been ssstolen by a human. You mussst look for it.' Kauksis hisses, 'The human isss in hiding, but I have sssome leadsss.' Kauksis hisses, 'Sssome of my draconian ssspiesss sssaw him in their valley.' Kauksis hisses, 'Or he may have taken refuge in a peaceful town.' Kauksis hisses, 'Pleassse return my rug to the guard at the gate.' Kauksis hisses, 'Then bring me the token he givesss you.' Kauksis hisses, 'Get to it, Battle, and be prepared for a fight when you return.'

Was found in Solace.

You give a note for your ambassador to Kauksis. Kauksis hisses, 'Thank you for returning my rug. I have another missssion for you.' Kauksis hisses, 'Firssst I will give you a level.' Kauksis hisses, 'A great wyrm has been invading our ssspace.' Kauksis hisses, 'I need you to kill it.' Kauksis hisses, 'Return to me with anything the dragon dropsss.' Kauksis hisses, 'I will sssend you to it now.'

Dragon was pretty wimpy, just took awhile to kill because it had sanc, didn't do any real damage to a rogue.

Kauksis hisses, 'You have sssucceeded in my tasssksss.' Kauksis hisses, 'For now, I will create an insssignia for you.' Kauksis hisses, 'You will notice ssslight increasssesss.' Kauksis hisses, 'You will sssee it if you type insssignia.' Kauksis hisses, 'Jussst a sssecond.' Kauksis hisses, 'Make good ussse of it.' Kauksis hisses, 'Thank you again for your assssisssstance.'

Kauksis hisses, 'I hope you have come to help me. My tassste in rugsss hasss not changed.' Myridia chats 'It shouldn't take to long for repop' Kauksis hisses, 'Nor hasss that human'sss ability to sssteal them.' Kauksis hisses, 'Sssearch him out and bring my rug back.' Kauksis hisses, 'A group of Trogsss ssspotted thisss human, but there are trogsss everywhere, no?' Kauksis hisses, 'You might try in a ssswamp - sssome trogsss live there.' Kauksis hisses, 'You could alssso look in the organized trog villagesss. Kauksis hisses, 'Wherever you find thisss human, kill him and return my rug!' Kauksis hisses, 'Bring it to the guard at the gate, then sssee me.' Kauksis hisses, 'Good luck.' Kauksis tells you 'Be ready for a fight when you come back!'

Found in Igecsoz

Mod is harder, barely beat it unspelled, same reward message.