Pathfinder Savia

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Savia is one of the foremost pathfinders amongst the dwarves. Daughter of a trapper, she spent many of her formative years on the trail with her father hunting game and dressing skins. She honed her skills working with elvish pathfinders and although not as good as an elf, she is without peer amongst dwarven pathfinders.

Keywords: Pathfinder, Savia.
Level: 24.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: mage.
Affects: infravision.


Pathfinder Savia is using:
<held>              (Glowing) a shard of durrite
Pathfinder Savia is carrying:



Area: Mt. Durr (Map).

Pathfinder Savia wanders.

Pathfinder Savia is portable.