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Revision as of 12:07, 19 January 2006 by DaveGarber1975 (talk | contribs)
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His skin is like wrinkled leather that's been left out in the rain for several weeks and then trampled on by horses before being used by a troll for a towel and then gnawed on by wild dogs with bad breath.

Keywords: grizzled, old, ranger, ex, wayfinder.
Level: 51 or more.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: steadfast, trainer.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis.


The Ex-Wayfinder is using:
<used as light>     <nothing>
<worn on finger>    <nothing>
<worn on finger>    <nothing>
<worn around neck>  <nothing>
<worn around neck>  <nothing>
<worn on body>      <nothing>
<worn on head>      <nothing>
<worn on legs>      <nothing>
<worn on feet>      <nothing>
<worn on hands>     <nothing>
<worn on arms>      <nothing>
<held in offhand>   <nothing>
<worn about body>   <nothing>
<worn about waist>  <nothing>
<worn on wrist>     <nothing>
<worn on wrist>     <nothing>
<wielded>           <nothing>
<held>              <nothing>
The Ex-Wayfinder is carrying:



Area: Midgaard.
Room: H.F.I.L. (portable, safe).

Directions from Aelmon: 8e, 3n, [w].

The Ex-Wayfinder is portable.