Category:Gear In Astral Invasion

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Airscape (Gear)
Arcadia (Gear)
Astral (Gear)
Firerealm (Gear)
Karnath (Gear)
Kzinti Homeworld (Gear)
Midgaardia (Gear)
Noctopia (Gear)
Nowhere (Gear)
Outland (Gear)
Tarterus (Gear)
Thorngate (Gear)
Water (Gear)
World Of Stone (Gear)
Hell (Gear)
Horavacui (Gear)
Areas in Astral
Astral Invasion (Gear)
Astral Plane (Gear)
Memory Lane (Gear)
Domain of Law (Gear)

Suggested Group Size: 15

If you don't already have it, you need to first get the ticket (Invasion Plans) from Citadel Arcadia. This can be picked up via a minor detour on a Glyph run. See Gear In Citadel Arcadia for more information on how to get the plans.

Once you have the Invasion Plans, shift to Astral and go nws. This will put you in the 8th leg of Astral Invasion. The mobs in Astral Invasion wield ethereal weapons, so bringing a psi to decept is very helpful. It's also a good idea to let the bored brutes know that disarming is worthless, so as to cut down on the spam :). From the 8th leg its a linear path to the fae fortress, where all eight legs of the area converge.

Here's a crappy ASCII map for how I think the fae fortress is laid out:

  8 1
  | |
7-  *-2
6-   -3
  | |
  5 4

If you just want to get the Inferno Stone make your way to the 4th leg. To get there from the entrance of the fort from the 8th leg, 2usu2s2e3s . Track mithras will also bring you there. Once you find the cleric (Mithras) have a groupie give him the Invasion Plans; this transports the person who gave the plans to an arena room below from which he can open the door up to allow the rest of the group to join him.

You have two options to open the portal to the Astral Dragon. - You can either try to disarm the prisoner or you can assist the prisoner escape by killing psionic balls of energy (which will open a door to his jailers) and then his jailers.

  • Assisting the prisoner (guaranteed pool to dragon) - The balls of energy appear in different legs. You can "where ball" to see what leg they're in or you can also track them. After killing all the balls, a room opens between legs 4 and 5 with a down exit. It contains 3 mobs. If you kill the three mobs and return to the prisoner, he drops his sword. The jailer room remains open until a reboot making it easier for future runs (you can clear this room before heading to the prisoner). Note: you need to visit the prisoner and say 'yes' to spawn the balls
  • Disarming the prisoner (non-guaranteed pool to dragon) - Disarming the prisoner is not an easy task. If you try to disarm the prisoner, if the mob drops his sword, a pool will appear, but if he recovers the sword and it remains in his inventory, you have to wait for repop to try again. Webbing the prisoner before disarming is a good idea, since it lowers his dex. Blindness probably also helps. This is a good room for regenning.

Have a tank drink from the pool and areaspell, while the rest of the group areaspells or targets the astral dragon when they follow. The dragon's room was upgraded recently with many more mobs than it used to have. You can't homeshift from the gear room, only planeshift. If you walk out west, you can portal to gith prisoner and homeshift. The astral dragon does not repop with the rest of the room, so this item cannot be camped.

Other than the Inferno Stone there's a couple other useful pieces of gear in this area. To get the Jade Bracer find the Fae Invasion Commander. To get to him look for an up exit from the fae fortress. I placed the * on the map above where I think the up exit is. After you go up he'll be north. Note that he keep company with invis bodyguards. This room seems to be quite a bit buffer now that mob specs are being redone. Watch out for tanks losing a massive amount of hp if they get bashed. The invasion commander also holds the Lightspear.

Another good piece of gear in this area is the Pile Of Green Webbing. It's one of the tickets for the Ceremonial Sword Of The High King's Champion. It loads on the Kzinti Emissary, who keeps company with some bodyguards in the 6th leg. The 6th leg is in the southwestern corner of the fort. I'm pretty sure the emissary is trackable.

Walking directions to the mobs of interest in this run now corrected.

From Astral shift to Invasion Commander (Jade Bracer): nws2usu3seun

From Invasion Commander to Kzinti Emissary (Pile Of Green Webbing): sd2s4wdwd he's in the 6th leg

From Kzinti Emissary to Fae Cleric (who you give the Invasion Plans to): ueu5e3sds he's in the 4th leg

Pages in category "Gear In Astral Invasion"

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