Paladin Weapon
No one is certain of the origin of the unearthly forge located within the Hall of Paladins. What is known however, is that the unique quicksilver weapons forged from it are unlike any other. In addition to their near perfect quality, these weapons can be blessed with further enhancements.
As the Paladin grows in stature and earn blessings from their crusades and quests, they will gain the ability to add different enhancements to their weapons.
While a Paladin may only own one of these weapons at any given time, they can chose to replace it or have a new weapon made, should their current weapon be lost. No one other than the Paladin can handle these weapons which are bound to the very fabric of their owner's being.
Aleryia, the Paladin Guild Weaponsmith, is in charge of crafting weapons for the most worthy of Paladins.
At level 35, Paladins can create a weapon of their own, which is a two-handed sword which has excellent statistics for its level. It can be customized with a variety of enchantments which are unlocked by completing quests for mobiles in the Hall of Paladins. These quests unlock at specific levels. "Attack" and "Defence" are available immediately.
Attack - Improved damage and chance to hit.
Defence - Improved armor class.
Piety - Chance of reduced divine spell cost. Level 35: Unlocked by following Burthelemon's directions to 5 of his friends across the realm.
Radiance - increase damage against undead. Level 35: Unlocked by slaying 30? Dwarven shades in the Iceways.
Zealot - Chance of extra attack. Hero 1: Unlocked by killing the Shadow Prince and returning traitor's Blade to the Hall of Paladins.
Severity - Chance of critical strike. Hero 1: Unlocked by killing the Magical Roc in Gorn's Anchor.