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This is a big step in your life. Unlike the whimsical religions of other worlds, the choosing of a God or Goddess for devotion becomes permanent. The reason for this is that the gods take an active role once they have you within their flock and they will not release your soul once they have it. There are many perks and negatives to worshipping a god on Avatar. You will have to research, ask around, or take a guess as to whether or not a religion is something you really wish to do. Some Gods, like Bhyss, have only a few benefits (although attractive to some) and many small negatives. The addition of religion to your life, however, will create a more unique experience for you. The choice is yours.

Worship Effects Table
EFFECTS PER DEITY Bhy Dur Grn Kra Qxl Rxa Shz Tor Tul Wer
Group Leadership Capacity -2 -1 0 +3 +4 -3 0 0 0 +2
Regeneration Rate Hit Points -10% 00% -20% -20% -25% 00% -20% +05% +20% 00%
Mana Points -10% 00% -10% -10% -25% 00% +05% 00% +20% 00%
Spellcasting Cost -10% 00% +05% 00% +05% 00% -05% +10% 00% +10%
Lag worse worse better same same worst better same better same
Spellcasting: Buffing Amount -10% +05% +20% +15% -20% -15% -10% +05% +10% 00%
Duration 00% +05% -10% 00% +??% 00% +05% 00% -05% 00%
Spellcasting: Healing Amount -20% -10% +10% +15%? 00% 00% ±10%* -35% +20% -20%
Combat Damage Hand-to-Hand ?? ?? best ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Melee Weapon worst worse worse better better better worse best worse best
Missile Weapon ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? best ?? ?? ?? ??
Spellcasting best ?? same ?? better worse better ?? worse worse
Combat Experience-Point Gains 00% -??% 00% 00% -30% -10% 00% 00% -20% +10%
Death Experience-Point Losses -25% +05% +10% +50% +200% +80% 00% -05% 00% 00%
Levelup Gains Hit Points worse same same ?? better same better better same better
Mana Points same better same ?? better same better worse same worse
Practice Points* -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0
Effective Int for Practicing -0.5 +0.5 +2.5 -1.5 -2.5 0 -0.5 -1.5 0 -0.5
Prayer Responses (Average) bad ?? good ?? ?? good mixed bad good mixed
Sharpening same better same same same same better same same worse
Enchanting* worse better same worse better ?? better worse worse worse
*Practice gains here refers to lowmort practice gains; as hero practice gains equal lowmort practice gains halved then rounded down, they may or may not be affected by worship. Gods affect enchanting through their "presences"; a favorable divine presence will turn a "shimmer" into a "brill" while an unfavorable one will turn a "brill" into a "shimmer". Also, Shizaga positively affects in-class healing and negatively affects out-of-class healing. This data was compiled from multiple sources that may or may not be accurate and/or up-to-date.

Hmmm... What else is there to add?