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I love exploring and mapping. Since Eragora came in I discovered my preferences actually lie in solo, free-form game-play, and have since focused on mapping the Avatar areas in an effort to actually learn them first-hand.

The Eragoran maps are from my workshop:

Akrikto's Farm Map,
Eragora Walkways Map,
Exploration Outpost Map,
Halfling's Paradise Map,
Healing Springs Map,
Moonbay Village Map,
Mountain Tunnels Map,
Quarries and Mines Map,
Rhuien Forest Map,
Sphynx Gate Map,
Sun God Altar Map

I used WinterRose, back when she was (hero 300-500) Liz Mag to map the continent and enjoyed myself tons while at it.

As for my other work, I did some mapping of the newish (post Dave Garber to be precise) lowmort areas:

Airways Map,
Cathracharraig Map,
Defender's Graveyard Map,
Diplomatic Corps Map,
Hospice Refugee Camp Map,
Ofcol Refugee Camp Map,
Tiureess Map

And finally a few hero areas as well:

Abishai's Pass Map,
Aculeata Jatha-La Map,
Alpha Thule Map,
Ancient Bronze Wyrm Map,
Battleground Map,
Bloodsong Island Map,
Cavern Of The Fates Map,
Citadel Of Arcanists Map,
Dragon Crypt Map,
Deepways Map,
Dream Steppes Map,
Fortress Of Kra Map,
Frozen Wastes Map,
Game Map,
Graves Of Reveria Map,
Great Divide Map,
Hall Of Justice Map,
Hunting Map,
Idolatry Of Lloth Map,
Isle Of NaamBres'Shho Map,
Lair Of Shyu'Yao Map,
Lake Of Tears Map,
Lizard Island Map,
Morte Vallta Map,
Necromancer's Tower Map,
Necropolis Map,
Neraka Map,
Padmasa Map,
Red Dragon's Lair Map,
Ruined Lair 1 Of 5 Map,
Ruined Lair 2 Of 5 Map,
Ruined Lair 3 Of 5 Map,
Ruined Lair 4 Of 5 Map,
Ruined Lair 5 Of 5 Map,
Saint Of The Blade Temple Map,
Serpent Weyr Map,
Silmavar Labyrinth Map,
Stormkeep Map,
Storm Canyon Map,
Summoning Map,
Tainted Isle Map,
Tortuga Cay Map,
Tssasskkas's Lair Map,
Typhus Map

With over 60 maps, and a serious deficit of non-mapped lowmort/hero areas, I've put mapping on the back-burner (nothing left to map!). Here and there I redraw an older map, but this is not common as most are still good.

However, even with mapped and explored areas, their true values often lie in the thoughtful prose behind many descriptions, that often gets missed when doing "standard" runs - so I find myself often actually reading what people wrote and not just mindlessly hacking away. :)

When is the last time you read Alpha Thule for example? If ever?