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The robes of this man cover every part of the body but his stance and very presence is the epitome of maleness. Only a very foolhardy person with a death wish would dare challenge this powerful being. Mumbled words in the form of prayer can be heard coming from the dark hood.

Keywords: GateKeeper, man, robe.
Level: (?).
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast, healer.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis, sanctuary.


The GateKeeper is using:
The GateKeeper is carrying:



Area: Gem of Destiny (Map).
Room: Star Room (portable, safe).

Walking route from Aelmon: 14n, 8w, n, e, 4d, s, d, w, 2d, e, d, e, d, w, d, 2s, d, 2e, n, e, u, e, s, e, 3s.

The GateKeeper is portable.